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Localtab Group


Insurance programs

The Employee/Intern is expected to enrol themselves in Indonesia’s National Healthcare Insurance Program (BPJS Kesehatan) or an equivalent program based on his/her personal judgement. The Employee/Intern’s immediate family may also be covered. 

Insurance premiums

The Employee/Intern may seek reimbursement for insurance premiums from WISE throughout their period of service, subject to approval from WISE. 


Group insurance plan

WISE does not have a group insurance plan.

Medical consultation fees

The Employee/Intern should seek reimbursement for medical consultation fees from WISE if they fulfil the following criteria:

  • The Employee/Intern have worked for at least 3 months with WISE 
  • The medical consultation results in at least one day of paid sick leave, and
  • The Employee/Intern receives a medical certificate issued by a medical practitioner from a public medical institution.

The Employee/Intern will not be eligible to claim reimbursement for medical consultation fee if they fall sick during public holidays, annual leave, rest days or non-working days under the Employment Act.

The Employee/Intern may still seek reimbursement for medical consultation fees and other medical fees from WISE throughout their period of service, subject to approval from WISE.


Program asuransi

Karyawan/Intern diharapkan untuk mendaftarkan diri di Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) Indonesia atau program setara berdasarkan pertimbangan pribadi. Keluarga dekat Karyawan/Intern juga bisa ditutupi.

Premi asuransi

Karyawan/Intern dapat meminta penggantian premi asuransi dari WISE selama masa jabatannya, dengan persetujuan dari WISE.

Page properties

Applicable toStaff and interns only

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