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Localtab Group


Insurance programs

The Employee/Intern is expected to enrol themselves in Indonesia’s National Healthcare Insurance Program (BPJS Kesehatan) or an equivalent program based on his/her personal judgement. The Employee/Intern’s immediate family may also be covered. 

Insurance premiums

The Employee/Intern may seek reimbursement for insurance premiums from WISE throughout their period of service, subject to approval from WISE. 


Group insurance plan

WISE does not have a group insurance plan.

For interns and trainees who will be contracted with WISE for at least two months and working at least 20 hours per week, WISE will reimburse up to S$20 per person to purchase insurance from SNACK by Income.

Medical consultation fees

The Employee/Intern should seek reimbursement for medical consultation fees from WISE if they fulfil the following criteria:

  • The Employee/Intern have worked for at least 3 months with WISE 
  • The medical consultation results in at least one day of paid sick leave, and
  • The Employee/Intern receives a medical certificate issued by a medical practitioner from a public medical institution.

The Employee/Intern will not be eligible to claim reimbursement for medical consultation fee if they fall sick during public holidays, annual leave, rest days or non-working days under the Employment Act.

The Employee/Intern may still seek reimbursement for medical consultation fees and other medical fees from WISE throughout their period of service, subject to approval from WISE.


Program asuransi

Karyawan/Intern diharapkan untuk mendaftarkan diri di Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) Indonesia atau program setara berdasarkan pertimbangan pribadi. Keluarga dekat Karyawan/Intern juga bisa ditutupi.

Premi asuransi

Karyawan/Intern dapat meminta penggantian premi asuransi dari WISE selama masa jabatannya, dengan persetujuan dari WISE.

Page properties

Applicable toStaff and interns only

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