WISE works with incredibly vulnerable groups of people who depend on external support for basic rights such as health and education. The power imbalance is enormous. In an increasingly competitive and media-savvy world, we may be tempted to showcase our work through sleek communications, but we must do so while respect the dignity of the communities we work with.

Therefore, we are committed to a thoughtful and responsible approach to our external communications.

Core values

The values that underlie our policy are:

  • Respect for the dignity of the people concerned;
  • Belief in the equality of all people;
  • Need to promote fairness, solidarity, and justice.

We recognise that failure to embody these values could lead to:

  • Harm to the people concerned and the communities they represent;
  • Increased risks of lawsuits and difficulty in defending a lawsuit;
  • Potential financial costs such as lawsuits and withdrawal of funding;
  • Potential reputational costs as a result of complaints or lawsuits.

Ethical principles

  • How do I respect a person's right to decline or consent to share their story or photo?
  • How do I handle informed consent? 
Do no harm (Non-maleficence)
  • Am I communicating stories and images that respect and do not harm the individuals involved?
Do good (Beneficence)
  • What is my intention in interviewing this person and/or taking their photo?
  • How can my stories and images be meaningful while doing no harm to the individuals involved?
  • Are my stories and images used in a context that fairly represents the situation, individuals involved, and location?
  • How am I properly crediting the authors, photographers, and subjects? 

Issues covered

The policy will cover the following issues:

Guidelines for interviews and taking photos/videos

The recommended approach to conducting interviews with and taking photographs or videos of people, considering cultural sensitivity, legal implications, and informed consent. Although not legally required, it is good practice to obtain written consent when possible, especially when sensitive, personal, and private information is revealed in the story, photo, or caption.

A consent form is included in the Annex.

Guidelines for using quotations and photos/videos

The recommended approach to using quotations and photographs in WISE's communications.

Copyright and use of third-party photos and videos

Ownership issues and the use of photos and videos by third parties. 

A permission template is included in the Annex.


All team members involved in developing content for WISE's communications channels and taking photos/videos must be familiar with this policy before they participate in any relevant activities. 


The policy has been developed from extracts or adaptations of the following references:

No review of applicable law as related to the practice and use of photography and videos has been performed for the development of this draft policy.

Media Consent Form (Action for Change in Southeast Asia)

This form can be read or spoken by ActSEA’s team to the person whose photo or story we are using. The process must be recorded (film or sound) or signed by the person. Please tick the box for each statement read/answered and if necessary, provide your reasons on the explanation sheet.

Full Name

Of person providing consent


Child's name and age

Filled in by the parent or caregivers of children under 17 years of age



Contact Person


These stories and photos will be used to help ActSEA promote and publicize the organization or program that you are involved in. It may also be used for ActSEA’s reports or shared and used by partner organizations. Your story may be featured in various forms: international and regional media (print or online), emails, presentations, social media, newsletters, publications, websites, television, and radio.

  • You can refuse to be recorded/photographed or interviewed. You have the freedom to tell or not tell your story, and there are no adverse consequences if you choose not to. On that basis, would you like to continue? Put a tick (✓) for Yes and (x) for No.
  • These stories can be seen or heard by anyone in the world. Is there someone or a group of people you don't want to see your story/photo? For example: family, relatives, your employer, or the government? If so, please explain on the explanation sheet (attached) or can be explained by audio (voice recorder).
  • If so, would you like your identity to be hidden/disguised? For example: cover your face, use someone else's voice, use a different name, or not publishing specific details in your story (e.g. date, location). If so, please explain on the explanation sheet (attached) or can be explained by audio (voice recorder).

Your story will be stored in the ActSEA's storage service. We will provide you with our contact number, and if you change your mind you can contact us to withdraw your consent.

This consent form is valid for the duration of ActSEA's programme with the partner.

Please complete the form below to indicate that you give ActSEA permission to use and share your story as described above.





Name of person who obtained consent


This Page Should be Submitted to the Relevant Person Whose Content Has Been Collected

Thank you for allowing us to collect your stories and/or photos. Your data will be stored securely on ActSEA's cloud storage service (Google Drive and Google Photos). If you wish to withdraw your prior consent, please contact us at [email protected]

ActSEA is committed to taking excellent care of your personal data and protecting any personal information we obtain about you.

Names & Contacts of people you have met with




Contact Person

Name of person who obtained consent




ActSEA team 

Degina Adenesa

Communication Lead 

0853 4268 5055

Translator (If any)




Photographer/Videographer (If any)






Persetujuan Yayasan ActSEA Perubahan Indonesia

Formulir ini dapat dibaca atau dibacakan dengan jelas dan keras oleh tim ActSEA kepada orang yang foto atau ceritanya kami pakai. Prosesnya harus direkam (film atau suara) atau ditandatangani oleh orang yang bersangkutan. Isilah kotak pada setiap pernyataan yang dibaca/dijawab dan  jika  diperlukan, berikan alasan Anda pada lembar penjelasan. 

Nama Lengkap 

Pemberi persetujuan


Nama dan Usia Anak

Diisi oleh wali anak berusia di bawah 17 tahun

Alamat atau Lokasi




Cerita dan foto Anda akan digunakan untuk membantu ActSEA mempublikasikan program yang dikerjakan, menyusun laporan, dan/atau akan dibagikan ke lembaga mitra ActSEA. Cerita Anda akan ditampilkan dalam berbagai bentuk; media internasional dan regional (media cetak atau online), email, presentasi, media sosial, publikasi, website, televisi, dan radio.

  • Anda dapat menolak untuk direkam/difoto atau diwawancarai. Anda memiliki kebebasan untuk menceritakan atau tidak menceritakan cerita Anda, dan tidak ada konsekuensi buruk apapun apabila Anda memilih untuk tidak bercerita. Atas dasar itu, apakah Anda ingin tetap melanjutkan? Beri tanda (✓) untuk Ya dan (x) untuk Tidak
  • Cerita Anda bisa dilihat atau didengarkan oleh siapapun di seluruh dunia. Apakah ada seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang tidak Anda inginkan untuk melihat cerita/foto Anda? Contohnya; keluarga, kerabat, pemerintah? Jika ada, tuliskan penjelasan pada lembar penjelasan (Terlampir) atau dapat dijelaskan melalui audio (perekam suara)
  • Apabila ada, apakah Anda ingin identitas Anda disembunyikan/disamarkan? Contohnya; menutupi wajah, menggunakan suara orang lain, menggunakan nama samaran, atau tidak menunjukkan keterangan-keterangan spesifik di dalam cerita Anda (Contoh: tanggal, lokasi). Jika ada, tuliskan penjelasan pada lembar penjelasan (Terlampir) atau dapat dijelaskan melalui audio (perekam suara)

Privasi dan kerahasiaan Anda adalah hal utama. Kami memastikan bahwa data Anda diperlakukan dan disimpan dengan aman di arsip ActSEA. Kami akan memberikan nomor kontak kami kepada Anda, dan apabila Anda berubah pikiran Anda dapat menghubungi kami untuk menarik persetujuan Anda. Formulir persetujuan ini berlaku selama ActSEA menjalankan program bersama mitra yang bersangkutan. 

Harap mengisi formulir di bawah ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa Anda memberikan izin kepada ActSEA untuk menggunakan dan menyebarkan cerita Anda sesuai penjelasan di atas.



Tanda Tangan pemberi persetujuan


Nama pengumpul form persetujuan

Tanda Tangan pengumpul form persetujuan

Halaman Ini Harus Diserahkan Kepada yang Bersangkutan yang Kontennya Telah Dikumpulkan

Terima kasih telah mengijinkan kami untuk mengumpulkan cerita dan atau foto Anda. Data Anda akan kami simpan dengan aman di penyimpanan cloud ActSEA (Google Drive dan Google Foto). Jika Anda ingin menarik persetujuan sebelumnya, silakan hubungi kami di [email protected]

ActSEA berjanji untuk menjaga data pribadi Anda sebaik-baiknya, dan kami berkomitmen untuk melindungi informasi pribadi apapun yang kami peroleh tentang Anda.

Nama & Kontak orang yang telah bertemu dengan Anda





Pengumpul form persetujuan




Kontak tim ActSEA

Degina Adenesa

Communications Lead (ActSEA)

0853 4268 5055

Kontak organisasi yang bekerjasama




Penerjemah (Jika ada)





 (Jika ada)




Lembar Penjelasan Tambahan

Applicable toTeam members taking or using photos and videos

Bahasa Indonesia