ActSEA currently uses Feedly and the tool Siftrss to create newsfeeds relevant to the topics that we engage with.

1.To create a new feed in Feedly, click the + icon on the sidebar. You will need to 'follow' an initial source before selecting '+ NEW FEED'. Give your new feed an appropriate title.

2. Now that you have set your feed up, locate the RSS feeds of the websites you want to follow. Locate the orange RSS icon on a website, or if there is no RSS button try adding /rss or /feed to the URL of your source (eg If both of these techniques fail, an alternative method of locating the RSS feed of a website can be found here

3. Create a document lisiting all of your RSS links in case you need to edit your feeds in the future. 

4. Open siftrss and copy and paste your first RSS link. 

5. Enter the key word you wish to use to filter your RSS link. If the website your RSS link is from is about a specific topic (eg ReliefWeb) then enter a keyword related to region, ie 'Singapore'. If the website is region-specific (eg Camdodia Daily) then enter a keyword related to the topic of your feed topic, ie 'sanitation'. 

6. Click 'Feed Me' then copy and paste your filtered feed into Feedly using the + button on the sidebar. Add the link to the feed you set up earlier.

7. Repeat the process for each keyword filter you want to set for a website: paste the original RSS link from the website into siftrss again, and set your next keyword as a filter before copying the new RSS link into Feedly. 

8. Repeat the filtering process for each of your sources/websites.

Note: You can have up to 100 sources on Feedly, so you may need to reduce the sources in other feeds if you wish to create a new one.