Improve ActSEA's content guidelines so that it is more focused and coherent.



UpdatesAmanda has commented

None, just need to get started


🏃 Actions


Moving forward


🤼 Team

Revise guidelines

↗️ Proposed approach

1️⃣  Familiarise with existing content strategy 

  • Review official content creation guidelines.
  • Review content on website and social media.
  • Monitor discussions within content team during content creation to understand existing thought processes e.g. through Jira.
  • Meet with content team members.

Create a list of feedback and questions.

2️⃣ Develop recommendations to improve content strategy

  • Specifically, changes to make to the original guidelines.

3️⃣ Implement approved changes

  • Edit the content creation guidelines
  • Guide content team on any updated messaging
  • Review content created by content team before publishing