Meaningfully engage external WISE supporters through online communication channels.

Roles and responsibilities

Develop and implement strategies to improve engagement.

  • Track and analyse engagement across platforms, and identify gaps in engagement.
  • Monitor social media trends across Southeast Asia, focusing on countries that WISE is active in.
  • Develop, implement, review, and/or improve content strategies to improve engagement.

Manage communications channels.

  • Schedule and publish content on communications channels.
  • Monitor notifications and follow up on comments and messages.
  • Ensure that profile information is up-to-date.

Create content.

  • Work with relevant teams to gather content (e.g. quotes, photos, videos, etc.).
  • Work with relevant teams to identify content ideas and strategies.
  • Copywriting, graphic design, editing, translation, and proofreading.

Develop, implement, review, and/or improve policies, systems, and procedures to:

  • Gather content efficiently and ethically (e.g. informed consent, photography, videography).
  • Carry out copywriting, editing, translation, and proofreading.
  • Design, edit, and finalise graphics and other visual content, and ensure that it is web-accessible
  • Ensure content is up-to-date.
  • Ensure that content reflects branding.

Develop capacity of the team to achieve roles and responsibilities:

  • Given available resources, work with the HR to recruit team members with the relevant skills or willingness to learn.
  • Work with the Finance to budget for personnel and tools.
  • Work with the Fundraising to raise funds for personnel and tools.
  • Work with Knowledge to equip team members with useful knowledge and skills.

Work with the Legal to keep current on relevant laws and regulations, such as data protection.


  • Fill all roles in the team, including recruiting new members
  • Ensure team members are actively engaged in their roles
  • Ensure timely creation and publication of content
  • Strategise messaging for each project/theme
  • Ensure that information is consistent between channels
  • Actively identify new projects, themes and channels

  • Respond to messages and comments
  • Publish content created by Content Managers on a regular schedule
  • Share posts that WISE has been tagged in; Consult with relevant Content Managers on appropriate messaging
  • Ensure that there is a constant pipeline of content being created
  • Keep static sections updated
  • Clean up outdated and irrelevant content

  • Create written content for a project/theme on all channels, especially the website, social media, and newsletter

  • Create visual content for a project/theme based on concept and text proposed by copywriters



PurposeMeaningfully engage external WISE supporters through online communication channels.

