Self-managed time-off policyActSEA has an unlimited time-off policy. There is no pre-approval required, and employees and interns are strongly encouraged to take as much time off needed to care for well-being of themselves and their loved ones (minimum 14 days per annum). However:
Family leaveThe Employee/Intern will be entitled to all government-mandated family leave (maternity, paternity, childcare, etc). If additional time off is needed, please refer to the time-off policy. Public holidaysThe Employee/Intern will be entitled to all official public holidays in their country of residence on full salary/allowance. |
TO EDIT Kebijakan cuti yang diatur sendiriKaryawan dan intern dapat mengambil cuti sebanyak waktu yang diinginkan. Hal ini diharapkan minimal 14 hari per tahun. Persetujuan tidak diperlukan. Adapun:
Hari liburKaryawan/Intern berhak atas seluruh hari libur resmi dengan tunjangan penuh. |