WISE uses the free Hestia theme. This page describes the specific features and settings we use.
To access the Customizer, go to Appearance ➤ Customizer. Click here for the full Hestia document.
Site identity
- Logo: Use landscape version of the WISE logo with a transparent background in .png
- Transparent Header Logo: No needed if using the transparent background above
- Site Icon: Use the icon version of the WISE logo with a transparent background in .png
Appearance settings
- Page Sidebar Layout: Right sidebar (to include links relevant to the page)
- Blog Sidebar Layout: Not applicable as we are not using posts
Typography and colours
- Follow the fonts and colours in the branding style guide
Background image
Frontpage Sections
Sections enabled: Big Title Section; Features; Ribbon; Testimonials; Clients Bar
Big Title Section
- Big Title Background: Choose photos from WISE's Google Photos brand account. If you don't have access, please contact the Public Engagement Team.
- Title: Statement related to the WISE's vision or mission
- Text: A catchy tagline
- Button text and Button URL: Link to more information about WISE
- Describe 3, 6, or 9 initiatives that would attract funders/donors, volunteers, interns, or partners
- Ensure that there is a range of types of projects and countries list
- Link to subscribe WISE's email newsletter, or other appropriate call-to-action
- Include 3 or 6 quotations from a range of external and internal stakeholders
- Include logos of all our partners and funders whom we've had a significant relationship with
Header options
Enable: Very Top Bar
Very Top Bar
- Very Top Bar Menu: Include WISE's social media accounts and general email address. Ensure that the social media icons are displayed.
- Add a Widget: Search. The title can be left blank.
- Check: Transparent Navbar
- Unchecked: Enable Search in Menu (because we already have a 'Search' widget in the Very Top Bar)
Related additional plugins used
- Orbit Fox Companion in order to access additional front page sections, namely Testimonials
- Font Awesome (free) to eliminate issues with icons not showing up in the Features section