Good faith

Should any dispute between the Employee/Intern and ActSEA arise at any time out of any aspect of the employment/internship, including, but not limited to, the hiring, performance or termination of service and/or cessation of service with ActSEA and/or against any employee, officer, alleged agent, director, affiliate, subsidiary or sister company relationship, or relating to an application or candidacy for service, the Employee/Intern and ActSEA will confer in good faith to resolve promptly such dispute.

Dispute resolution

In the event that ActSEA and the Employee/Intern are unable to resolve their dispute, and should either desire to pursue a claim against the other party, both ActSEA and the Employee/Intern agree to have the dispute resolved by the Industrial Relations Court (Pengadilan Hubungan Perindustrian).

In the event that ActSEA and the Employee/Intern are unable to resolve their dispute, and should either desire to pursue a claim against the other party, both ActSEA and the Employee/Intern agree to have the dispute resolved by the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management.

Itikad baik

Jika ada perselisihan di antara Karyawan/Intern dan ActSEA yang timbul sewaktu-waktu dalam aspek apa pun, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada, perekrutan, pengabdian kinerja atau pemutusan magang dan/atau pemutusan layanan dengan ActSEA dan/atau terhadap karyawan, petugas, direktur, afiliasi, anak perusahaan atau hubungan perusahaan sejenis atau berhubungan dengan pendaftaran atau pencalonan layanan, Karyawan/Intern dan ActSEA akan berunding dengan itikad baik untuk segera menyelesaikan perselisihan  tersebut

Penyelesaian sengketa

Apabila ActSEA dan Karyawan/Intern tidak dapat menyelesaikan perselisihannya, dan salah satu ingin menuntut pihak lainnya, ActSEA dan relawan setuju untuk menyelesaikan sengketanya di Pengadilan Hubungan Perindustrian.

Applicable toStaff and interns only

Bahasa Indonesia