Develop and implement platforms to motivate and collect public donations:
- Fundraising pages on the website and other platforms, with the Media Engagement Team
- Calls to action on ActSEA's communications channels, with the Public Engagement Team
- Outreach activities (e.g. talks), with the Networks Team
- Strategic partnerships (e.g. company fundraising), with the Partnerships Team
- Payment platforms (e.g. Stripe), with the Finance Team
Strategy, design, and run donation campaigns:
- Leverage global and local events (e.g. World Toilet Day), with the Public Engagement Team
- Work with respective teams to run campaigns for specific programs, projects, or initiatives, with the Public Engagement Team
Engage existing and potential donors
- Thank and regularly update organisations and individuals who have donated
- Acknowledge donors on ActSEA's communications channels, with the Public Engagement Team
- Respond to donation and donor enquiries in a timely manner
- Develop and maintain a donor database to track donor information
Ensure the integrity of donation activities
- Develop and enforce donation policies to ensure transparency, accountability, and quality, in line with applicable laws and practices
- Document and monitor fundraising laws and practices in Singapore, Indonesia, and Cambodia, with the Legal Team