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WISE communicates with our external audiences in order to develop relationships with them as well as build and manage our brand identity and reputation. The content creation guide covers public communications with individuals and entities outside of WISE. The guide is a reference for the communications team when creating content, to help you understand what content to create, how to create the content, and how it will be used.

Overview of our approach to communications

Positioning refers to the big differentiating idea that we strive to own in the minds of our target audiences.

What makes WISE unique?

  • WISE acts through and supports ground-up movements. (We take action as members of, or work with, local communities in our projects; we help other changemakers work more effectively through capacity building.)
  • WISE acts in solidarity with other social and environmental causes. (Where there is an opportunity for us to add value to someone else's work, we will not hesitate to do so.)

How do we fit in and stand out among our peers?

  • We fit in among peers because we act from the local context.
  • We stand out among our peers because we strive to achieve genuine impact across social and environmental sectors.

What do we want people to think of when they think of us?

  • We are driven by our commitment to create change.


External audiences are informed about and engaged in supporting WISE's vision of an equitable and sustainable Southeast Asia.


To inform and engage WISE's external audiences, we will:

  • Create understanding of the causes and consequences of the issues that our projects act on;
  • Advocate for the approaches that WISE utilises to address these issues;
  • Mobilise audiences to join WISE through donations, volunteering, spreading the word, and partnerships.
  • WISE creates a more equitable and sustainable community by acting across social and environmental sectors.
  • We aspire to be the regional leader in creating change through community development, behaviour change, capacity building, and research programs in Southeast Asia.
  • We are led by Southeast Asians because real change happens from the ground up.
  • To achieve this aspiration, we need sustainable funding and passionate volunteers and partners who are committed to continuous learning and long-term growth.

WISE communications should be:

  • Accessible: Jargon-free, easy to understand, in plain English, and translated to the local language according to the needs of the audience.
  • Purposeful, in terms of communicating information that are insightful and mobilise action in line with WISE’s vision, mission and values.
  • Trustworthy: Information should be accurate, evidence-based, up-to-date, transparent and include all the relevant facts.
  • Add value: Only speak when we have something worthwhile to say.

The key audiences that WISE aims to communicate with are listed below. To communicate with key audiences, we should also engage the media and the general public.

Note that we do not focus on existing stakeholders because our one-on-one communication with them is more significant. However, existing project partners, staff, interns, and volunteers must be given due recognition in relevant material.

AudienceWho they areWhat they want
Potential funders
  • Foundations and agencies whom WISE has applied to for funds;
  • Companies with corporate social responsibility (CSR) departments who may have found WISE through the internet or word-of-mouth;
  • Individuals who know of WISE through our networking activities, the internet, or word-of-mouth.
  • To support a cause that their organisation works on, or that they believe in;
  • To see what their funds will be used for;
  • To know that their funds will go to achieving real impact;
  • To ensure that WISE will use their funds in a professional and accountable way.
Existing funders
  • Organisations who have given WISE money.
  • Individuals who donate monthly.
  • Individuals who have donated.
  • To see what their funds have been used for, and the impact of those funds.
Potential staff, interns and volunteers
  • Individuals looking for opportunities to be involved in the non-profit social and/or environmental sector.
  • To develop their professional and personal skills, and/or;
  • To contribute their time and skills to a social or environmental cause, or to their local community.
Potential workshop and program participants
  • Individuals looking to develop new skills or be involved in the non-profit social and/or environmental sector.
  • To develop their professional skills, or;
  • To contribute their time and skills to a social or environmental cause, or to their local community.
Potential project partners
  • Organisations or individual changemakers who work on a related social or environmental cause, or who work in the same community. These are entities who are more open to collaboration.
  • To address a need that they don't have the resources (manpower) or expertise to address.
Potential clients
  • NGOs, educational and other institutions who require third-party training and research services.
  • To hire a consultant to carry out an activity.

Applicable toCommunications team




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