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WISE uses Jira - a task management tool - to manage the content creation workflow. 

A piece of content for a project could refer to:

  • A new website page, if the project does not already have a page
  • An update to the existing website page
  • New posts for the project's Facebook photo album
  • A new series of posts for Instagram

Guidelines for Content Managers and Designers

Step 1. Initiate a content task

Once you have started planning a piece of content, create a task (aka 'issue') on the Jira content pipeline. Update the following fields:

  • Summary: A brief description of what the content is about

  • Due date: The date when you plan to publish the content. When planning the date, give enough time for the drafting and review process.

  • Assignee: Assign the task to yourself

  • Project/Theme

After creating the task:

  • Create a 'Writing' sub-task and assign it to yourself (or whoever is drafting the content)

  • In the 'Comments' field, tag the relevant Channel Managers to inform them that you have planned the content

Step 2: Draft content

If you do not already have templates in your respective content folders, use the following templates to draft and submit your content:

At this stage, do not worry too much about the design. Focus on getting the content right.

When you have started writing:

  • Update the content's task to 'Writing stage'

Step 3: Send to Channel Manager and project team members for (internal) review

When you have drafted the content:

  • Upload a link to the draft in the relevant sub-task
  • Change the status of the sub-task to 'To review'
  • Assign the sub-task to the Channel Manager
  • To assign more reviewers, 'clone' the sub-task and assign the sub-task to the next reviewer

Step 4: Revise and resubmit

When the reviewers have reviewed your content, they should update the Jira sub-task status as follows:

  • 'To write' indicates that the reviewer has feedback that you should incorporate into your next draft. Return to Step 2.
  • 'Done' indicates that the reviewer does not have feedback, and your draft is fine. Move to the next step.

Step 5: Draft graphics

If the content requires graphic design:

  • Update the content's task to 'Design stage'
  • Create a 'Design' sub-task and assign it to the graphic designer.  

Any graphic design should be consistent with the project/theme's overall style, as well as WISE's branding style guide.

Step 6: Send to Content Manager and Channel Manager for (internal) review FOR DESIGNER

When you have drafted the graphics:

  • Upload a link to the draft in the relevant sub-task
  • Change the status of the sub-task to 'To review'
  • Assign the sub-task to the Content Manager
  • To assign more reviewers, 'clone' the sub-task and assign the sub-task to the next reviewer

Step 7: Revise and resubmit FOR DESIGNER

When the reviewers have reviewed your design, they should update the Jira sub-task status as follows:

  • 'To design' indicates that the reviewer has feedback that you should incorporate into your next draft. Return to Step 5.
  • 'Done' indicates that the reviewer does not have feedback, and your design is fine. Move to the next step.

Step 8. External review

If the project/theme involves an external party (e.g. partner), you should send the content to them for review:

  • Update the content's task to 'External review stage'.
  • Create a 'External review' sub-task and assign it to yourself.
  • Send the content to the external party for review.

Step 9: Revise and resubmit

When the external parties have reviewed your content, you should update the Jira sub-task status as follows:

  • 'Revision required' indicates that the external party has feedback that you should incorporate into your next draft. Return to Step 2 or Step 5 as needed.
  • 'Done' indicates that the reviewer does not have feedback, and your draft is fine. Move to the next step.

Step 10: Send to Channel Manager for publishing

When the content is ready:

  • Update the content's task to 'Publishing stage'
  • Ensure that the links to the finalised content are clearly uploaded in the task
  • Create a 'Publishing' sub-task and assign to the Channel Manager
  • To assign more Channel Managers, create more sub-tasks


Start on your next content (smile)

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