This document sets out the fundraising methods that WISE will strengthen, initiate and/or cease in the short, medium and long term in order to meet the organisation’s fundraising objectives. The strategy is the outcome of a study conducted to evaluate WISE’s existing fundraising methods as well as investigate new ones.
The study was initiated in early 2019 and subsequently updated in end 2019 by the Core Team for the following reasons: consulting fees, which WISE had relied on for the first two years of operations (2016-2017) had dried up in the third year (2018) and was an unpredictable source of revenue; WISE did not have sufficient funds to sustain more than one year of overhead. Additionally WISE had expanded their operations by registering as a Foundation (Yayasan) and initiating more projects in Indonesia, and intended to expand their operations by registering and hiring one full-time staff in Cambodia.
Figure 1 Breakdown of income (US$) since 2016. Notes: (1) Consulting fees are nett of expenses; (2) Donations in 2016 were predominantly from WISE core team members; (3) Income in 2019 includes grants and assignments that have been awarded and donations that have been committed.
Among the five sources identified in Figure 1, consulting, grants and crowdfunding are currently the main sources of revenue for WISE. Donations that were received were made on the initiative of WISE supporters; Fees were charged as part of workshops being conducted, rather than a means to raise funds.