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Identify, develop, and run training in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Singapore, as well as throughout Southeast Asia.


Capacity Building is one of WISE's key approaches to achieving WISE's vision of a more equitable and sustainable Southeast Asia. Rather than working directly with communities, Capacity Building serves organisations and individuals who run their own projects by increasing their ability to do so through training and mentoring. In particular, we focus capacity building efforts with our partners as it benefits our other programs.

Roles and responsibilities

Identify training and mentoring opportunities in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Singapore, as well as throughout Southeast Asia:

  • Conduct training needs analyses with partners, with the Partnerships Team
  • Gather suggestions and feedback from past and existing participants
  • Engage potential participants and partners

Develop training and mentoring projects through:

  • Curricula, lesson plans, and development plans
  • Training materials, facilitator guides, and mentoring guides
  • Pilots

Promote training and mentoring services, with the communications teams.

Run training and mentoring, including recruiting and training facilitators and mentors.

Ensure regular reflection, monitoring, evaluation and learning, with the Programs Quality Team.

Develop capacity to implement behaviour change activities:

  • Raise and manage funds to carry out activities, with the Grants and Donations Teams
  • Develop systems and procedures to guide team members through a process of identifying, developing, and running training and mentoring projects that are in line with WISE’s mission and values
  • Provide training and mentoring to team members who are developing and running training and mentoring projects, with the Knowledge Team



PurposeIdentify, develop, and run training in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Singapore, as well as throughout Southeast Asia.




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